low carb meal keto

Newsletter 3

Low Carb Life Now Newsletter 3

This month I did an experiment that I would have never done in the past. I didn’t step on the bathroom scale to weigh myself for 7 days. This may not seem like a big deal for most, but in order to keep my weight down, I have literally weighed myself every day. If the numbers started to move up, I would quickly make adjustments so I didn’t gain too much weight. A bit of an obsession I guess. The problem was that I craved food ALL THE TIME. I felt like I was always thinking about the next snack.

During the last 7 days I made a conscious effort to only eat when I was hungry. If I didn’t feel like having breakfast, I would skip it or have a keto coffee instead. If I was hungry I would eat a low carb breakfast of eggs, spinach, cheese and real crumbled bacon. Similar with lunch and supper, I would eat what I felt like eating and not because I felt I had to because it was “meal time”. Sometimes I at a lot until I was stuffed, sometimes I only wanted a little snack. I was actually pretty freaked out when I went to look at the scale at the end of 7 days. But then I remembered…I know how ketosis works and if I gained weight, I know the secret to taking it back off painlessly. No reason to worry! And you know what the scale said at the end of the 7 days? I was 2 pounds lighter than the week before. No stress. No starving. How can you not love this way of eating?

I hope you all are enjoying this journey and are finding your way to low stress weight loss with more energy and health than ever before.

1. Low Carb Recipe

If you Google “low carb” or “keto” + your favorite food, you can find a replacement for nearly every one of your old recipes. At first you will be disappointed that the low carb version doesn’t taste as good as your regular high carb foods. However, after awhile, you will find that once you stay low carb for a few weeks, when you go back to your high carb foods, you will find that you now actually prefer the low carb version of the food! It will become your new normal.

That happened with me and pasta. I have learned to find vegetable versions of nearly all of my past pasta favorites and I haven’t looked back. I easily avoid pasta now with no regrets and without feeling like I am missing out at all. I feel so good about all the nutrients I am getting from the vegetable version that I don’t miss the empty pasta calories from the high carb version.

Here is a zucchini lasagne recipe from The Kittchen. I just used tomato sauce from the grocery store, being careful to chose the brand with the lowest amount of carbs. Delicious!

Do you want more recipes? Check out my Pinterest collection Icons made by Pinterest from www.flaticon.com is licensed by CC 3.0 BY

Or see the yummy food pics I eat on InstagramIcons made by Instagram from www.flaticon.com is licensed by CC 3.0 BY

2. Low Carb Article

When I was first researching low carb diets, I found it overwhelming and confusing. Everyone seemed to have a different opinion. Saturated fat is good! Saturated fat is bad. Salt is good. Salt is bad. Butter is good. Butter is bad. Who do you believe? After months and months of reading it soon became clear that there are different rules eating high carb than eating low carb. And doctors have their favorite approach and they are each passionate about their opinions. I have been able to find a reputable list of doctors and nutritionists that I trust, and those are the ones I listen to. Now that I understand the biology behind it all, I can easily detect an article opposing keto that is playing on people’s fears and old school research and beliefs. The world is changing, and just like society used to think the world was flat, the world will soon realize that ketosis is the secret to keeping our society healthier.

Dr. Mercola is the author of the book Fat for Fuel. Here is his explanation of why the ketogenic diet is a healthy way of eating in the article Conditions Shown to Benefit From a Ketogenic Diet.

Want to see more research from keto experienced doctors? Follow me on Twitter @LLifenowIcons made by Twitter from www.flaticon.com is licensed by CC 3.0 BY

3. Inspiring success story

I am a huge fan of a company called Virta that works with patients to reverse type 2 diabetes. This month I thought I would share one of their many success stories called No More Dangerous Blood Sugar Lows Now That I am On Virta. Find it here.

I love it when people share their stories. Share yours on my Facebook PageIcons made by Facebook from www.flaticon.com is licensed by CC 3.0 BY

Happy learning! Low Carb and Keto is a way of living, not a short term diet. There is a lot to learn, but it is a journey that just get better and better. Good luck on your journey! Feel free to reach out to me at tiffiny@lowcarblifenow.com if you have any questions.

Could you use some help? Book a FREE consultation at https://www.lowcarblifenow.com/the-journey/coachme…

Do you want to give low carb keto a try with a group of other supportive people? Sign up for my next group at https://lowcarblifenow.lpages.co/7-days-to-ketosis…